Does your business need a website?

February 17, 2022

Every business needs a website. That is not even optional in 2023 if you want your business to scale beyond the realm of being just a hustle. As a matter of fact, even your side hustle deserves a website design that is both responsive and SEO friendly. The pandemic has been an interesting time for the commercial world as we have seen businesses unfortunately fold while thousands of new successful businesses have come to replace them.

Small and medium scale businesses who have a properly designed e-commerce website have largely survived the early 2020s. Yet despite these, as web designers and digital marketing experts during each of our free consultations with businesses and professionals about why their business deserves a website, we carry with us the pressure of the burden of proof. 

Ideally your website should be a part of your business startup checklist, right after business registration. A well designed website is one the best marketing tools that a small business owner or professional can have. It allows for you to communicate your services to your customers in a way that only attracts quality customers through the rest of the sales funnel. 

For example, an optometrist who does not perform surgical operations at their private practice can communicate what they do best excellently on their website, allowing only clients who need their core services to book or contact them further. This saves both time and financial resources.

Similarly a boutique in Toronto or Harlem that exclusively sells shoes can use their website to convert online shoppers looking for shoes into long term customers. 

A website thus can be defined as a quintessential tool required for any business to succeed in the modern age. However, having a website is not enough. Having a website designed by a professional with the knowledge of the web and what works or does not work is the key. You would not build your house yourself unless you are a builder, without risking that it fails on you, so why would you design and develop your website yourself with the risk that you might end of short-charging yourself. 


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